Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Most common and insignificant woes...

There are days and times when even the minuscule petty things add to your woes..and we just can't stop complaining about it. Ok, let me rephrase...there are days and times when 'I' just can't stop complaining about worthless things...which the south-asians call 'cribbing'.

No one is generally to be blamed for these things because no one can be blamed. Its just the mind game. Its just that you assume somethings to be in a certain way and when they are not...bingo...there is goes! Mostly occurs when you are terribly hungry, horribly sleepy or are on the clock.

Some of the silly woes...

After a heavy snowfall and immense accumulation of snow, the streets were cleared. But the melted snow/ice/water drags around the street-crossings. People fall, slip, drench in it. It is the most common woe heard day after the snowfall.

Its extremely windy on a rainy day and the umbrella is more of a liability rather than an asset. Why is it so windy??...is the woe!

You are supernaturally hungry but can't go have lunch because you are needed at your desk. Just then someone gets a fabulous meal spreading the aroma around...and you crib!

You come back from office hungry, tired and are looking forward to cook something very delicious. Just then you realize the frying pan needed is at the bottom of the sink in the to-be-rinsed utensils.

You are having a sleepless night. And you think the reason is because your clock makes disturbing 'ticks'...tick..tick...tick....tick....!!!

You are missing someone who is far far away and all you can do at the moment is miss!

The list is never ending. I am sure there is no solution for this but may be few minutes of meditation may help....i am trying to be overly optimistic :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Year end

Another year is coming to an end. I remember 31st Dec 2009, when I was under crocins and woke up only due to firecrackers suggesting the arrival of 2010. I celebrated the new year's eve alone in my dark bedroom that day. I knew then that unlike the previous boisterous new year's eves, this one was different. I was somehow being driven towards something special. Right from then to this very moment I have thoroughly enjoyed the year. 2010 brought with it snow blizzards....my NJ license...my first ticket.....promotion...the Adirondacks...the Bear Mountain trip....Atlanta Coke museum....my most awaited India trip...Tanishq ring. But the sweetest and the loveliest present my fate could have given me was the one who put the ring on my finger next to the pinky one. Can't thank god and this year enough.

Thank you 2010....and welcome 2011. I am awaiting you and her eagerly.

Favorite days - Jul 10th, Jul 30th, Parsi new year's day, 17th Aug, Oct 24th, Nov 3rd, Nov 13th.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Time -- slow or fast

Time is an amazing thing we have in our universe. It varies from galaxy to galaxy, from planet to planet. A relief from numerous time-zones, we earth-ians have fortunately same the way of measuring time. A second spent in India would be exactly same if spent in New York. But that doesn't mean time to spend a second would be similar in all the cases. Confused? :)...well let me explain...

If you are with a person you enjoy most being with or you are truly enjoying the moments, they pass by quickly and when you notice you always remember them in the past. This is one of things I dread the most. Realizing that I would soon be a bereft one. I remember myself crying when my nanny or granny used to go back to their place after a visit to my place. So much was the fear that time, that I would refuse to even to see them the day they were leaving. Well, a good amount of time has passed and now I can definitely control my tear glands...but I still can't control the way my heart beats ...(the amount of blood the heart pumps..to be technical :)). I can bet that you would recall several such moments when you would say 'I just wish this time stops right here..'...well yeah...i am reiterating some of SRK's script lines, but it is true...isn't it?...And it need not be the scenic walk on carter road or a romantic candle-light dinner. It can very well be the time when someone is dropping you off to an airport. And the worst part is you know that you ain't coming back soon enough... btw...well nothing is real soon :)

On the other end, there are occasions when the time is just sluggish...just too sluggish....My favorite pass-time during an extremely boring and snoring lecture was to see the second-hand circulating in my wrist-watch. I tried to console myself that 'this is going to last just 1 hr which is 60 mins which is 3600 seconds....and right now every moment...a second is deducted from the count'... But still the class used to take it had to take. As if this was not enough the teacher would be too engrossed in the subject to hear the bell....So some very obvious gestures like closing the book or packing your bag or looking at the watch would do the trick.

So has the time become so slow recently...especially after I came back from India....after meeting her--Anuja :)...and so was the time so fast during my short (well it was over 3 weeks..but still short) India trip. With my 'always rush to be somewhere' agenda I am being called 'on the clock' person now :)...I always had to be somewhere in sometime and always had to catch a flight soon. Actually, airport was our-Anuja's and mine favorite hang-over spot...because every other day either I was travelling and she was receiving me or she was travelling and I was receiving/dropping her. Now you know why every love story has to have an airport scene filmed in it....

Why does this happen?...have you ever thought? Please take my sincere advise...don't think about it...because this life runs on it. Those sweet memories, that hope to see your loved one again is what drags you off to work everyday. This hope is what makes our life 'a life'. It is the only thing which gives us power to beat Time.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Family Fun!

This long weekend brought with it fever and cold for me. Oblivious to the new year's eve, I was busy rubbing Vicks! Though, when the fireworks exploded, I did know that we had landed in 2010. I have always wondered why the cold-lady likes me so much. Probably the rhino viruses feel homely when they enter my body. Anyways, with the viruses flushed today, I was ready to go out. But the 40mph wind and 18 F spoiled the schedule. Me and my roommate then bored, chatted.

The topics varied from marriages to khandeshi khichdi. Its amazing how the discussions proceed linking one topic to other. I remember how we (me and my undergrad classmates) once did a de-linking of all the discussion topics on an exam eve. Though, by the time we finished this, it was already time for exam and the whole night what we did was linking and delinking topics. Guss, that's another story.

Today, while discussing, we recalled how we used to sleep on the terrace or outside during summers. How the whole family used to be together - uncles, aunts, brothers, cousins, nephews, grandparents. It was real fun. We used to make pot-icecreams, sing songs, play cards whole night. Men used to go out get paan for everyone after dinner, women used to gossip in a corner, we kids used to eavesdrop that, the college-goers had their group with their college terminologies. I do not think this happens anymore. With busy life these days, one hardly gets anytime to be with their parents leave alone other relatives.

Grandma story was another fun event for the young generation. Kudos to her imagination! She had a new story every night. We did know how she had pushed in some characters or changed the story or the location a little from the previous night but then the end result was a brand new story! My other grandma had an expertise on Krishna stories. While cooking hot phulkas for us for lunch, she used to tell these extremely witty Krishna stories. How Krishna planted the parijaat plant on Satyabhama's side but the flowers used to sprinkle on Rukmini's side or how Sudama was never forgotten by his beloved friend Krishna.

Summers also remind me of mangoes. Every lunch had mango juice with pure ghee. Whatever juice remained was dried in the sun for mango roti. My childhood summer was blessed with whole range of fruits. My grandpa's place in those days had guava, mango, seetafal, jambhul, bor trees. Some of them exist even today but now no one has the time.

Those soulful days bring with them memories and what remains is the exhilarating fragrance.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Status Symbol!

Status symbol has always been an indispensable part of human social life. Generations and generations have submitted to its rule. Status symbols vary from material things like car, house, job etc. to girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband. Recently I read somewhere that now-a-days not only girlfriend or boyfriend is considered as a status symbol but number of ex-girlfriends or number ex-boyfriends! Well, things have changed and status symbols too with time.

I remember a television set being a status symbol in early 1980s. A telephone or a scooter which needed years of waiting would make you a cynosure. A maruti car was another one. The list was pretty small compared to the one in present generation. Indeed, things were simpler in those days. A decent job, a good healthy family were the only things a bride's father would look for in a groom.

School life is really funny. Even today I remember some of things and those make me laugh. Label-stickers on which we would write names, subject etc and stick on the books were considered status symbols! Bicycle in that time just like motorcycles today would make you popular among your schoolmates. Having an entire GIJoe set or a video game was the maximum you could achieve to attract crowds to your home in vacations.

With the technological revolution, the definition of status symbol has changed. Today we want to know not only if other person has a cell-phone but also what service provider he/she is using, what features the phone has, we want to know if the laptop has 2GB RAM or 4 GB RAM (given that more than 2GB RAM is hardly ever used). If I am sounding a bit negative, there are some improvements too. Yesteryears, being fat was considered a status symbol. Today we pay to become leaner, thinner. Education is another status symbol of today.

Status symbol has always been and will always be a topic for we gossip-hungry people. Thats what makes life more interesting!